Spinal Problems - The story...
I've been suffering with neck and back pain for many years due to cycling accidents, bus crashes and other things(!). But it's been a lot worse recently and degrading all the time.
I've been having a few problems over the past 19mths of my hands going numb and a lot of pain in my neck, shoulders and back of skull. Went for an MRI scan and then I had the meeting with the specialist, he confirmed that I've got two slipped discs in my neck and that they are pressing on my spinal column. He's concerned about the numbness I'm getting in my hands as the discs 'might' be damaging my nervous system. He's recommending that I have spinal surgery to remove the discs and 'fuse' those sections of my neck. Basically join the bits of bone together!
A bit scary, but if it stops the nerve damage getting any worse then there is little choice really.
I then saw the neurosurgeon...
We went through my MRI scans and he saw that the slipped discs have already caused damage to my spinal column and the area in my neck.
We went through my MRI scans and he saw that the slipped discs have already caused damage to my spinal column and the area in my neck.
Surgery is recommended.
He said that there is a 50-60% that surgery would be successful, in that the damage would be stopped from getting any worse.
The numbness and pain in my arms and hands probably would still be there but it should be manageable.
If I don't have the surgery, the fact that my symptoms have slowly got worse over the past 18 months (but more so in the past 6 months) indicates that the damage is increasing. I might lose all feeling in my hands, maybe worse.
To touch yet not to feel :(
They'll go in through the front of my throat, remove the discs and place a carbon fibre frame around the vertebrae to support them as they fuse together.
I pretty much thought that it would come down to surgery but I guess no matter how much you prepare yourself it still comes as a bit of a shock when the facts are down on the table.
So on 1st of September their going to operate.
The doctor has signed me off work for 3mths.
Anterior Cervical Discectomy with Fusion (ACDF)
I went into the London Royal Free Hospital on the 31st August, Bank Holiday Monday for the surgery to remove a disk from the cervical (neck) area of my spine and to have a carbon fibre plate screwed in to my spine to fuse the vertebrae together.
Early Tuesday morning (6am) I woke up and had to get ready for the surgery, I was to be the first person operated on as I have a latex allergy and they have to make sure the operating theatre the 'latex clean' for the surgery.
At 8:20am I was taken down to theatre and knocked out. Whilst waiting for the anaesthetic to kick in I had a good chat with the anaesthetist about Real Ales and which ones are good in bottles! Strange, but there you go!
Surgery took just over 2hrs. I awoke in recovery a few times and then properly back on the ward. Although through the rest of the day I was in and out of consciousness except to eat dinner and talk to my girlfriend when she came to visit. Not that I could talk much due to the surgery.
During the surgery they release the oesophagus and push it to one side so they can access the spine. This can cause swallowing, eating and voice problems. For me it just seems to have affected the voice.
Even in my sleepy state I could feel that the pain I'd been in for nearly two years was gone and the numbness in my hands was less.
I didn't sleep much that night, guess I slept too much earlier. Also my shoulders felt very tight and my throat was hurting.
Wednesday morning I felt much better and after seeing the various specialists in the morning it was decided that I was well enough to go home!
I was a bit shocked... After reading lots of different things online I thought I'd be in hospital a lot longer than 48hrs and perhaps even in traction. But no, I was safe to go.
Early Tuesday morning (6am) I woke up and had to get ready for the surgery, I was to be the first person operated on as I have a latex allergy and they have to make sure the operating theatre the 'latex clean' for the surgery.
At 8:20am I was taken down to theatre and knocked out. Whilst waiting for the anaesthetic to kick in I had a good chat with the anaesthetist about Real Ales and which ones are good in bottles! Strange, but there you go!
Surgery took just over 2hrs. I awoke in recovery a few times and then properly back on the ward. Although through the rest of the day I was in and out of consciousness except to eat dinner and talk to my girlfriend when she came to visit. Not that I could talk much due to the surgery.
During the surgery they release the oesophagus and push it to one side so they can access the spine. This can cause swallowing, eating and voice problems. For me it just seems to have affected the voice.
Even in my sleepy state I could feel that the pain I'd been in for nearly two years was gone and the numbness in my hands was less.
I didn't sleep much that night, guess I slept too much earlier. Also my shoulders felt very tight and my throat was hurting.
Wednesday morning I felt much better and after seeing the various specialists in the morning it was decided that I was well enough to go home!
I was a bit shocked... After reading lots of different things online I thought I'd be in hospital a lot longer than 48hrs and perhaps even in traction. But no, I was safe to go.
ACDF - Road to recovery: Part One (06/09/2009)
It's now five days since the operation. How do I feel?
I still feel an awful lot better than before the surgery. The constant pain I was in has gone, replaced by a lesser pain though.
I'll try and explain... Before the operation I had strong pain at the base of my skull, down my neck, across my shoulders and along the top half of my back. Movement was restricted in my neck and my arms/hands felt like they had writers cramp for a lot of the time.
Now, I seem to have a tightness across my shoulders and a nagging pain across the back of my neck and the base of my skull. Nothing like what it was though as this pain comes and goes.
The numbness has mostly gone as well. What numbness I do have feels different as well. Before it was like pins and needles but without the heaviness. Now... well... do you remember having "Star Dust" as a child? It's the only way I can describe the numbness, it feels as if I have star dust going off in my hand. It's a very weird feeling!
My throat doesn't seem sore at all, except that I have a very husky voice that fades in and out.
I have no energy at the moment and tire very quickly. Yesterday I walked to the end of the garden and back and I felt like I'd ran a marathon!
Sleeping is difficult as I can't get comfortable. Lying flat on my back causes some pain in my neck so I've found that placing the pillars in a pile and lying back against them is best. I fell asleep on my side last night, which was probably not a good idea! I awoke after an hour or so in pain and my left hand had gone "star dust".
I still feel an awful lot better than before the surgery. The constant pain I was in has gone, replaced by a lesser pain though.
I'll try and explain... Before the operation I had strong pain at the base of my skull, down my neck, across my shoulders and along the top half of my back. Movement was restricted in my neck and my arms/hands felt like they had writers cramp for a lot of the time.
Now, I seem to have a tightness across my shoulders and a nagging pain across the back of my neck and the base of my skull. Nothing like what it was though as this pain comes and goes.
The numbness has mostly gone as well. What numbness I do have feels different as well. Before it was like pins and needles but without the heaviness. Now... well... do you remember having "Star Dust" as a child? It's the only way I can describe the numbness, it feels as if I have star dust going off in my hand. It's a very weird feeling!
My throat doesn't seem sore at all, except that I have a very husky voice that fades in and out.
I have no energy at the moment and tire very quickly. Yesterday I walked to the end of the garden and back and I felt like I'd ran a marathon!
Sleeping is difficult as I can't get comfortable. Lying flat on my back causes some pain in my neck so I've found that placing the pillars in a pile and lying back against them is best. I fell asleep on my side last night, which was probably not a good idea! I awoke after an hour or so in pain and my left hand had gone "star dust".
ACDF - Road to recovery: Part Two
ACDF - Road to recovery: Part Three - Staples Out!
I had my staples out yesterday. Just went to my doctor with the pliers that the hospital supplied and se took them out.
Took about five minutes. The wound looks really good and is healing well.
Took about five minutes. The wound looks really good and is healing well.
ACDF - Road to recovery: Part Four - Healing Progress
I've taken a series of photographs of the operation wound to show the progress of healing.
Photo one was taken the day before the staples were removed.
Photo two was taken just after the staples were removed.
Photo three was taken this morning, two days after they were removed.

Photo one was taken the day before the staples were removed.
Photo two was taken just after the staples were removed.
Photo three was taken this morning, two days after they were removed.
ACDF - Road to recovery: Part Five - 10 Days - On Video
Recorded a video entry at YouTube
ACDF - Road to recovery: Part Six - 16 Days
Well, it's been 16 days now and the wound is healing really well.
Most of the swelling has gone down and the actual wound has fully closed. The scar is going to be a thin line following the line of my neck. I've got a photo, just not transferred it from the camera yet.
My voice is still very husky and breathless and talking really tires me out. It's not as bad as it was, but it's got a long way to go yet.
Energy levels are still quite low and I tire easily. I'm getting very frustrated as I feel okay in myself, but still unable to do anything much.
The pain I was suffering before the operation has totally gone, which is fantastic. I've already got more movement than I had beforehand.
Had a bit of a problem yesterday morning. During the night I'd rolled over on to my front and my head was turned to the left. I woke up and my neck was very stiff and hurting. Not a good position to be in!
By the afternoon it was a lot better.
Most of the swelling has gone down and the actual wound has fully closed. The scar is going to be a thin line following the line of my neck. I've got a photo, just not transferred it from the camera yet.
My voice is still very husky and breathless and talking really tires me out. It's not as bad as it was, but it's got a long way to go yet.
Energy levels are still quite low and I tire easily. I'm getting very frustrated as I feel okay in myself, but still unable to do anything much.
The pain I was suffering before the operation has totally gone, which is fantastic. I've already got more movement than I had beforehand.
Had a bit of a problem yesterday morning. During the night I'd rolled over on to my front and my head was turned to the left. I woke up and my neck was very stiff and hurting. Not a good position to be in!
By the afternoon it was a lot better.
ACDF - Road to recovery: Part Seven - 4 weeks
Four weeks today since I went under the knife!
It really doesn't seem like it was only 28 days ago, seems a lot longer. I guess that's because I'm bored out of my mind not being able to do anything.
I'm able to go for walks, but not take my camera gear with me as it's too heavy and I can;t use my rucksack yet.
Oh well... soon be out there.
Progress - My voice is slowly coming back, but it feels like something is at the back of my throat when I shallow. Whether this is inflammation or the carbon fibre plate I have no idea. Something to ask the neurosurgeon when I see him at the end of October!
I've got full movement in my neck without any pain and the strength is coming back to my arms and hands. Some slight discomfort when lying down, but nothing too bad.
The scar is healing nicely, which reminds me I must get the photos uploaded. I'll do that tomorrow if I get a chance.
A couple of days ago I was washing the area of the operation and I noticed a piece of stitch poking out of the skin. I rubbed it and a piece of stich, 3cm long came out! Felt very weird seeing that! But everything seems to be okay, my head hasn't fallen off yet ;)
Numbness - Still having a bit of numbness in my left hand, but not as frequent or as strong as before the operation. Hopefully that is a sign that the damage wasn't permanent and things will get back to normal in time.
ACDF - Road to recovery: Part Eight - 8 weeks
Just got back from seeing the Neurosurgeon for my 8wk check-up at the hospital.
Got Good News, Mmmmm News, Bad News and some Shocking News...
First the Good News: The Neurosurgeon is very happy about how things have gone and says I can get back to living my life. Can now drive, go on public transport and more importantly, take the camera :)
The Mmmmm News: The numbness in my hands may or may not heal. Only time will tell as there is no way of knowing. Already knew this so no real change. At least the pain is gone and I've got movement in my neck again.
Now the Bad News: My voice might be staying like this for some time. One of the things that can happen during the surgery is one of the veins taking blood to the voice box can become compressed and that can cause "Vocal Cord Paralysis". I'm being referred to specialist for assessment and treatment, but been told to expect the voice to stay like this for about a year!
Finally, the Shocking News: During the talk with the neurosurgeon I asked if there was anything I had to look out with carbon fibre plate, tell-tale signs of something going wrong. He looked at me, looked at my notes and said, "We didn't put a plate in. Weren't you told?"
Apparently they decide during the operation if they are going to put a plate in. They look at the situation when your neck is open ans assess if it is needed. In my case, they thought I wouldn't require a plate screwed in to my spine as I was young, physically fit and active before the problem. I should've been told the day after the operation, but I wasn't!
So, I'm happy that all has gone well and that I can get back to 'life', but a bit shocked about not having the plate put in. Part of my is a little disappointed about that, but mostly I'm happy about not having a plate in there as it could just be something else to go wrong. Also if I need further surgery on my neck at a later date, not having a plate there will make it easier.
My next appointment with the neurosurgeon is in two months. Hopefully by then I'll have seen the vocal/speech specialist.
Got Good News, Mmmmm News, Bad News and some Shocking News...
First the Good News: The Neurosurgeon is very happy about how things have gone and says I can get back to living my life. Can now drive, go on public transport and more importantly, take the camera :)
The Mmmmm News: The numbness in my hands may or may not heal. Only time will tell as there is no way of knowing. Already knew this so no real change. At least the pain is gone and I've got movement in my neck again.
Now the Bad News: My voice might be staying like this for some time. One of the things that can happen during the surgery is one of the veins taking blood to the voice box can become compressed and that can cause "Vocal Cord Paralysis". I'm being referred to specialist for assessment and treatment, but been told to expect the voice to stay like this for about a year!
Finally, the Shocking News: During the talk with the neurosurgeon I asked if there was anything I had to look out with carbon fibre plate, tell-tale signs of something going wrong. He looked at me, looked at my notes and said, "We didn't put a plate in. Weren't you told?"
Apparently they decide during the operation if they are going to put a plate in. They look at the situation when your neck is open ans assess if it is needed. In my case, they thought I wouldn't require a plate screwed in to my spine as I was young, physically fit and active before the problem. I should've been told the day after the operation, but I wasn't!
So, I'm happy that all has gone well and that I can get back to 'life', but a bit shocked about not having the plate put in. Part of my is a little disappointed about that, but mostly I'm happy about not having a plate in there as it could just be something else to go wrong. Also if I need further surgery on my neck at a later date, not having a plate there will make it easier.
My next appointment with the neurosurgeon is in two months. Hopefully by then I'll have seen the vocal/speech specialist.
Hi. Just checking to see how you are doing a year after the surgery...
Hi, my name is Diane. I am scheduled for ACDF surgery Fri, Sept 24, 2010. A couple years ago I had severe pain and numbness down my right shoulder,arm and hand. I had steroid shots and pt and got better. It flared up again but got better. This time it is my left side and things are worse. Same as you described so I realize that surgery is the only option I don't feel comfortable that the outcome is going to be good. I did appreciate your blog and utube video as it made me feel a little less alone. Thank you.
I'm really interested to hear if your voice has returned. I'm going in for a multiple ACDF procedure C5-6-7 which also will require bone harvesting from my hip. I'm VERY nervous, however my neurosurgeon tells me not to worry! Success rate extremely high. Although he is confident of removing my arm pain he didn't seem so confident about the pain I have in my neck. Hope you're feeling better.
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Thank you for sharing your story, it has helped calm me down some. I am also wondering about your voice!!???
A very interesting read, thanks for the detailed account.
A bit of time has passed so how are you all getting on?
I had C7/T1 ACDF about 3 wks ago with a plastic/titanium spacer inserted. Internal soluble stiches and the small sacr has healed up very well. My biggest concern so far is that my left hand is still pretty numb and lacking strength. Maybe 25-30% better but I wonder if it is going to get back full feeling and strength.
I am working from home and starting to drive but looking down for too long isn't great.
I guess it's all about being patient.....
thank you for sharing with us your log of the acdf... I have spinal stenosis BUT the scan revealed c5 c6 osteophyte and compression on the cord...... Neuro guy said a priority so will be done in two weeks... Hope your voice went ok thay is my worry. i have to wait for the lumbar so still in some discomfort - walking and standing.
thank you so much
Thank You for sharing your story. I am also wondering about your voice if it s back to normal. Did the numbness ever leave from your hand/arm?
I have just undergone ACDF in Rome, Italy w a private surgeon who only 5 yrs ago perfumed A laser surgery on my lumbar herniated disc. I am in day 6 of recovery and almost feel back to my normal self. My voice is scratchy at times but over-all ok. I wrote an entry on my blog, Red Velvet Voyage, detailing my emotional ACDF experience post surgery from a 36-year old woman's perspective.Thanks again for sharing & I hope you are feeling great!
Thank you so much for sharing your story. I go under next week the 13th and this has helped me get an idea of what to expect. To me I am shocked by how nochalant my surgeon is about the recovery, saying I will be as right as rain in a matter of days. I told him that is not in my nature, I do not "bounce back" and seeing you describe the fatigue that accompany the recovery confirms my suspicious it will be the same for me.
Was eating after surgery difficult? I was told to expect a liquid diet followed by soft food the first week after surgery. Was that the case for you? And did your voice ever recover?
I've had a 2 level ACDF last Monday (4th July 2016) C5-C6 and C6-C7. DC you will be fine, I had some egg and cress sarnies and a cup of tea that night about 4 hours after I came out of surgery. The following morning I had a normal breakfast of porridge and toast with tea. That went down fine but small mouthfuls and lots of chewing required. You will be up and out of bed the next morning at the latest and walking about.
I am now a week post op and have just had my staples out, I felt an improvement in my walking and general pins and needles but seemed to have had a bit of a relapse today being wobbly on my feet and having more intense pins and needles down side of hand to little finger.
You will be able to feel how far you can progress when it comes down to food, just listen to your body and take it very easy.
You will definitly NOT be "right as rain" in a matter of days, it is known that if you have an ACDF procedure then the symptoms can take months to fully disappear, if at all, and the fusion of the vertebrae can take a year or more.
Good luck and I'm sure you will be fine.
Thank you so much for sharing these photos. My husband is 3 days post op, and very curious as to what is normal? I see you had bruising in the incision area. He is puffy swollen 2" surrounding the incision. Again thank you !
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